7th sea Wiki

Language by Country[]

  • Aksum: Ze’eg as well as 170 individual languages based on it.
  • Aragosta: Vodaccen, Pirate Lingo
  • Atabean Sea: Taiya
  • Avalon: Avalonian
  • Awkari. Part of Mande branch of the Kwara language
  • Castille: Castillian
  • Curonia (Sarmatian Commonwealth): Curonian
  • Sarmion: Dibre
  • Eisen: Eisen
  • Gelwaar: Part of Njaayan branch of the Kwara language
  • Highland Marches: Highlander
  • Hylicia: Hylician, a mix of Numanari and the Crescent Tongue
  • Inismore: Inish
  • Jaragua: Patwa Haragwen, a mix of Montaigne and West Ifri
  • Crescent Empire (Continent): Katabic, secondary language known to most people. Used for trade
  • Khemet: Sahidic
  • Kuraq Empire: ??? . Based on Aztlani.
  • La Bucca: Castillian, Pirate Lingo
  • Maghreb: Amizagh
  • Manden Kurufaba: Mande. Part of Mande branch of the Kwara language
  • Mbey: Njaay: Part of Njaayan branch of the Kwara language
  • Montaigne: Montaigne
  • Nahuacan Alliance: Nahuatl. Based on Aztlani.
  • Nder: Part of Njaayan branch of the Kwara language
  • Numa: Numanari
  • Persis: Persic
  • Rahuri: Taiya
  • Rzeczpospolita (Sarmatian Commonwealth): Rzeczpospolitan
  • Théa (Continent): Old Théan, secondary language known to most people. Used for trade and religion.
  • Tzak K'ani: No common spoken language. Tzak K’ani has a shared written language. Based on Aztlani.
  • Ussura: Ussurian
  • Vestenmennavenjar: Vesten
  • Vodacce: Vodaccen
  • Xwéda. Part of Mande branch of the Kwara language

Other languages mentioned[]

  • Kel Tagelmust